Saturday, April 30, 2011

Getting Ready For Travel

Well, we're all excited around here as we begin preparation for a trip to Detroit. Why Detroit? Older son Egon is graduating with an M.F.A. in design from Cranbrook Academy of Art. An amazing place that is at the heart of design and its history. The entire campus was designed by Eliel Saarinen the architect and it is the place where Charles and Rae Eames met and did the pioneering work that led to their exciting careers in design. So, Egon has been there for two years and has been absorbing the culture and heritage along with deep design roots. Amazing. We can hardly wait to see both Egon and his wife. In keeping with growth in design, here's a Nautilus I photographed today.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Week That Was!

Amazing week since my last post. Been having regular talks with my "self" about doing my least favorite things to do and doing them first, on a regular basis. And it's been working even struggling through the fatigue that loves to set in when the going gets really tough. Turns out that mowing the grass can be a relief (not to mention a profitable break). To keep some creativity flowing I have been experimenting with some scanner photography as seen with these shell images.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Following up my ass in gear.

Yes, it's true. For something to actually happen...taking action is required. ACTION. But, the organizing/planning is important first as long as it doesn't turn into paralysis by analysis. So, ready-aim-fire is preferable to fire-ready-aim. See! Waxing philosophic is an excellent way of postponing ACTION.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getting One's Ass In Gear!

Well, this is always one of those things we talk about doing...and then talk about doing...and then... You know the drill. So, I'm really attempting to come to grips with this and while meditating on it, the thought came: organize yourself and everything will fall into place. Uh, huh! As you might imagine, that organizing stuff never gets further than piles for me. As long as I've got plenty of open flat space, my filing system works just fine. Of course now that we live on five acres it would appear that I have almost an infinite filing opportunity. But, right now it's snowing on the flat outside so, inside organization is where it's at. Let's see where it leads today. Starting with image organization. More later.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eye Of The Beholder!

This work captures an interesting view point created by the introduction of a bubble at a strategic location in the elliptical format of surrounding glass. In the first image, the piece has been placed in a window revealing the effect of both light and the exterior environment as seen through the fused glass piece. Note the clarity of image seen through the lens created by the bubble. The second image shows even lighting across the entire piece.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Working toward a new creative direction.

I'm working on some new experimental pieces in preparation for a series of work featuring all the Chakras. Light through the glass is so magical to
me that it just seems natural to include that design element as part of works that might be healing in
one way or another.