Saturday, April 30, 2011

Getting Ready For Travel

Well, we're all excited around here as we begin preparation for a trip to Detroit. Why Detroit? Older son Egon is graduating with an M.F.A. in design from Cranbrook Academy of Art. An amazing place that is at the heart of design and its history. The entire campus was designed by Eliel Saarinen the architect and it is the place where Charles and Rae Eames met and did the pioneering work that led to their exciting careers in design. So, Egon has been there for two years and has been absorbing the culture and heritage along with deep design roots. Amazing. We can hardly wait to see both Egon and his wife. In keeping with growth in design, here's a Nautilus I photographed today.

1 comment:

  1. So, this memory reminder from 4/30/2011 pops up today. And amazingly we are planning a trip to Wisconsin to see one of our grandsons perform his junior recital at Lawrence College. Really looking forward to it. He plays the double bass. Cool.
