Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful Pondering Of The Universe

Some of my most cherished moments are the times that my assistant, Louie, helps me with various glass projects. Here, he is contemplating a kiln cast block that has a universal spiral element incorporated into it. Louie's story is interesting in that he was given to us by a sweet niece who thought he might benefit from life in the country. She got him as a kitten while she was going to law school in St.Louis. So, she named him St.Louis and called him Louie Louie. Now, I ask you. How can you not love someone called Louie Louie. Considering my past with the song Louie Louie and that at one point awhile back quite a lot of people thought that Louie Louie ought to be the national anthymn my relationship with this Louie is profound. Not to mention that he gives great advice on my various art projects, most importantly my glass work.

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